All pelvic PTs - like any other provider - are not the same! There’s a wide variety of experience and expertise when it comes to pelvic floor physical therapy. So how do you find the right physical therapist for you?
We created this podcast to share practical, positive information about the pelvic floor with all of you!
We believe everyone with pelvic health issues deserved accurate information and a chance to get on the road to healing.

Finding Pelvic Sanity Group - Have you joined Finding Pelvic Sanity yet? It's a totally free, supportive online group of 5,000+ members dealing with pelvic floor dysfunction. It's moderated by the team at PelvicSanity, so you'll know you're getting great information a positive environment. Make sure to join here!
There’s really two different things to be looking at when it comes to finding a great pelvic PT: the setting where they work and the person.
In terms of the setting, you want to be finding a pelvic physical therapist who works somewhere who specializes in pelvic health and isn’t ‘dabbling’ in the field. Here’s a list of how to find a great pelvic physical therapist:
That is a true specialty health practice. You don’t want someone who is ‘dabbling’ in pelvic health, or where pelvic PT is just an ‘add-on’ to a bigger practice.
Hour-long sessions. You should be seeing your pelvic PT for an hour-long session so they’re able to work on both the internal pelvic floor muscles as well as the external orthopedic issues that are often driving your symptoms.
No aides or biofeedback. You want to be getting hands-on treatment from your pelvic PT, not from a high school aide or being hooked to a machine that has you doing Kegels (no matter what’s really going on).
A dedicated pelvic health treatment space. Look for a clinic focused on treating people like you - you shouldn’t have to enter a big hospital or walk past a group of high school athletes exercising in a gym to get pelvic physical therapy.
A true specialist. Make sure your pelvic PT actually specializes in treating pelvic health cases. Many orthopedic clinics have someone someone who claims to do pelvic health, but maybe only has taken a single weekend course or sees less than 25% pelvic health cases (the rest are all knees and ankles!).
A combination of internal and external physical therapy. You need someone who is seeing the entire picture. Your pelvic PT should be able and comfortable working on your pelvic floor, but also spend time working on your back, hips, glutes, inner thighs, legs and spine. If they are either working only internally or only externally, they are missing have of the picture.
Hands-On, manual treatment. You should have someone who is actually working on your body. With their hands. Not having you do a set of exercises or Kegeling around a machine.

As Nicole said in the full 'sode of the podcast on this topic...
"There’s a wide range of experience and expertise. You need to find someone who truly understands pelvic floor dysfunction, specializes in treating people like you and who works in a setting where you can actually get relief." -Nicole Cozean, Pelvic Sanity
At PelvicSanity, almost 70% of our patients have been to other pelvic PTs before finding relief. It’s not that pelvic physical therapy didn’t work - it’s that you didn’t have the right pelvic PT. If you’ve ‘failed’ pelvic PT before, we hope you give it another shot and find someone who is a better fit - it’s extremely rare pelvic PT can’t help alleviate your pelvic health symptoms!
If you’re dealing with pelvic health issues, make sure you join our free FB support group (Finding Pelvic Sanity), follow us for more information on Instagram (@pelvicsanity) and subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Spotify for wherever you get your podcasts!
Who are we at PelvicSanity?
At PelvicSanity, it's our mission to support patients with pelvic pain and pelvic floor symptoms, regardless of where you live. We can help with:
- In-person treatment for those in Southern California at the PelvicSanity clinic
- Immersive Out-of-Town program for those able to travel
- Remote Consultations to get you expert 1:1 help, advice and an action plan
- Online patient courses on Interstitial Cystitis and Movement for Pelvic Health
- A Facebook support group for patients called Finding Pelvic Sanity.